- archiving
- архивирование
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
archiving — archive ar‧chive 1 [ˈɑːkaɪv ǁ ˈɑːr ] verb [transitive] COMPUTING to make a permanent copy of information held in a computer or to store the information so that it cannot be changed or lost: • Once a month the files will be archived. archiving… … Financial and business terms
archiving — archyvavimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų ↑archyvo arba ↑atsarginės kopijos sukūrimas. Duomenų sudėjimą į ↑pakus, kurie nėra archyvai (pvz., taupant vietą atmintyje arba norint daugelį failų ir katalogų sudėti į vieną failą),… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
archiving — pakavimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų, esančių daugelyje failų ir katalogų, sudėjimas į vieną ↑paką. Pakuojami duomenys paprastai suglaudinami, nors pats pakavimas nereiškia glaudinimo. Pakuoja ir išpakuoja specialiai šiam… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
archiving — ar·chive || É‘Ëkaɪv n. repository, place for document storage; file containing several separate compressed files (Computers); storage medium on which back up files are stored (Computers) v. place in an archive; store in a safe place … English contemporary dictionary
Self-archiving — To self archive is to deposit a free copy of a digital document on the World Wide Web in order to provide open access to it.[1] The term usually refers to the self archiving of peer reviewed research journal and conference articles as well as… … Wikipedia
Web archiving — is the process of collecting portions of the World Wide Web and ensuring the collection is preserved in an archive, such as an archive site, for future researchers, historians, and the public. Due to the massive size of the Web, web archivists… … Wikipedia
Oracle Archiving — is a strategy, where data is moved out of the production system to reduce the volume and increase application and reporting performance while maintaining access to critical business data through the Oracle application or BI… … Wikipedia
E-mail archiving — Email archiving is a stand alone IT application that works with an email server to help manage an organization’s email messages. It captures and preserves all email traffic flowing into and out of the email server so it can be accessed quickly at … Wikipedia
Scientific data archiving — refers to the long term storage of scientific data and methods. The various scientific journals have differing policies regarding how much of their data and methods scientists are required to store in a public archive, and what is actually… … Wikipedia
Picture archiving and communication system — An image as stored on a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) The same image following contrast adjustment, sha … Wikipedia
UK Web Archiving Consortium — The UK Web Archiving Consortium (UKWAC) is a consortium of six leading UK institutions working collaboratively on a pilot operation archiving selected UK websites. UKWAC consists of the British Library, the Joint Information Systems Committee… … Wikipedia